Sustainable Environment
It is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs
Environment is classified into two main parts:
Natural Environment
It is the ability to constantly improve and renew agricultural and petroleum resources, and to extract and create a group of elements that are able to benefit and serve nature
Human Environment
It is to carry out a comprehensive process of developing the human mind in the scientific fields and human awareness of everything related to developments in the field of science
The concept of sustainable environment
In 1987 AD, global talk began about the concept of sustainable environment, after the Brundtland Commission on the Environment published its own report, in which it warned of the negative consequences that might affect the environment as a result of rapid economic growth and the spread of globalization. The Commission presented This report contains some solutions that can be applied practically to solve problems resulting from population growth and industrialization processes
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Sustainability Environment Goals